Sunday, November 17, 2013

Sunday Snippets: Anniversary Edition

The husband and I are celebrating ten years since our first date this week. In other news, I'll be off to pluck gray hairs. :)

I definitely need this Because ball pits are the best. And this.

This man should not be legally allowed to be this adorable If you aren't watching Sleepy Hollow, I feel sorry for you. See also, Tom Hiddleston.

Love Dooce. That is all. The twitter grabs she find are usually hysterical, but the "dinosaurs are really Jesus horses" killed me completely.

Oh, the feels. I still have my teddy from childhood, who has been repaired countless times. No better feeling than cuddling with an old favorite stuffed animal.

What.The.Fuck No seriously. They are advocating kidnapping now?!?!

I need these hanging on my walls.

Great tips to simplify your life Awesome ideas.

Yes, why can't we do this? Oh, right because there is big money in prisons here.

Ugh. This guy. Dateable my ass.

So sad this is true

Cats on the Interwebz (because why else does the internet exist?)

Cats in scarves


LOL & hahahahaha & I feel bad for laughing.

All cats. Everywhere. They own us and know it.



  1. Ok. I need these posts to contain about THREE recommended links. I always like them but am way too impatient to click them all! And I am tired. And I know this is all on me. :) Anyway, the ball pit looks amazing and huge. And the simplify list made me even more motivated to declutter and clean. If only I was in control of ALL the clutter, ya know? HUSBANDS. Who needs them?!

    And happy anniversary! Ten years. HOLY MOLY.

  2. hahahahah, I try to give a good sampling for all :) But I will try to minimize in the future.

    I know, right? Husband's office is constantly a mess but he loves it. And I can close the door :)

    Thank you!
