Sunday, May 16, 2021

Sunday Snippets: Stand with Palestine

I don't pretend to know every nuance of the Israel-Palestine fight, but Palestinians deserve the right to life and their houses and clean water.

40 Years Ago, Poet Lucille Clifton Lost Her House. This Year, Her Children Bought It Back.

The pandemic shaped my family for generations. Not COVID — the 1918 flu

The Party Whose Success Is a Problem

Maryland Governor Grants Posthumous Pardons To 34 Black Lynching Victims

Black Americans And The Racist Architecture Of Homeownership

Migrant children held in mass shelters with little oversight

‘I regret having children’

Mobile Health Clinics Could Revolutionize Reproductive Care in the South

Why Are Boomer Parents Always Withholding Important Family News?

The latest Israel-Palestine crisis isn't a 'real estate dispute.' It's ethnic cleansing.

Wyoming stands up for coal with threat to sue states that refuse to buy it

‘It’s like the embers in a barbecue pit.’ Nuclear reactions are smoldering again at Chernobyl

Windows on the world: pandemic poems by Simon Armitage, Hollie McNish, Kae Tempest and more

The minimalist awakening: how it became ‘in’ to buy less

Illinois parents arrested and jailed for kids missing school How the fuck does this help anyone?

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