Friday, June 10, 2011

Articles Round-Up-Extreme Heat Edition

Ah, the summer in Maryland. How I loathe thee. My endo flares really badly when I get too hot and since it's still early June, this summer isn't looking pleasant, temp wise.

Because god forbid we forget about the menz Disgusting

On the Anthony Weiner disaster There is so much I'm pissed about, regarding this issue. There is the fact that he was the one calling the GOP on their bullshit, the fact that he seemed to be making a difference and now no one will ever take him seriously again, as it should be. The fact that he stepped out on his wife, while she is pregnant, the fact that he harassed innocent women, it is all extremely upsetting. He was one of the only reasons I had faith in Congress because it seemed like he wanted to make a difference and that inspired me. Now I realize that he's full of shit, just like the rest of them.

Fuck yeah Even if you are not a parent, great advice.

Of course "As Think Progess notes, Santorum has previously "decried 'the selfishness, the individual self-centeredness' of legislators who were concerned about the health of pregnant women." Santorum, seemingly, has not wavered on his belief that you are less important than a fetus."

In case anyone was actually wondering about the state of our economy...  Pretty sad

Great piece from Liss on consent and Rep Weiner (TW)

Hell yeah  Feminism quote from Anna

Post-Secret Disability Fail from Renee

Good vs Bad Girls from Allison McCarthy at Ms.

Love these photos Inspiring

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